Historical sailing ship reconstruction by sketches, pictures, drawings, analogues, etc. with further design of 3D model and drawings set.
Below are some examples of what we have done:
Swedish privateer reconstruction
Basing on the 3D model two options of the hull construction were further developed - professional "shell on thick frames"™ method (original) and classical PoB (plank on bulkhead).

The reconstruction is performed on the basis of the antique drawing of the famous naval architect, Fredrik Chapman

The result of reconstruction is a 3D model of the privateer, which provides basic elements and components

The result of reconstruction is a 3D model of the privateer, which provides basic elements and components

The reconstruction is performed on the basis of the antique drawing of the famous naval architect, Fredrik Chapman

The principle of "shell on thick frames" method and the work in progress:

"Queen Victoria" imperial yacht reconstruction
The purpose was to create drawings set for building the model.
The original drawings are lost, all that remains are:

Figure-head drawing

Rigging plan

The 3D model has been worked out very carefully since high-quality drawings were expected as a result

Figure-head drawing

Flemish galleon reconstruction