To fix big transmission gear on transmission threaded rod use "Option2" in assembly video on our YouTube channel (starts from 5:02):
We do not use sleeve with fixing screw anymore. We use threaded rivet and M5 nut to counter it instead. Screw rivet and counter nut towards each other to prevent them self loosing.

Also you may need to put just one M5 washer between wheel (threaded rivet) and ball bearing to align big and small gears. But it's not significantly. You may put or not.
New design from Jun 23, 2024.
The method for attaching the large transmission gear to the transmission threaded rod has been modified. It is now necessary to utilize a spacer and fixing screw in order to properly align both gears.

Additionally, you might also get altered handles that come with countersunk screws:

Just a reminder on how to assemble a hollow axle if it hasn't been assembled before.

The most recent design appears as shown below:

Cheek fixed on rails;
Assembled main hollow axle with gear;
Transmission gear fixed on transmission rod and aligned to main gear;
Handle/rope holder;
Crocodiles to hold blocks;
Hooks to help making strops;
Serving thread holding spool;
Newly designed add-on for making "mouse" knot.